Women’s matters

liminal in collaboration with the Municipal Gallery of Athens provides Accessibility Services for the new group exhibition entitled Women’s matters, curated by Bia Papadopoulou and Christoforos Marinos.

Collage work from the exhibition Women's Matters. In a desert blurry landscape, Mary Shelley's face on the left with a long red tear is glued to a small bride's body. On the right, a comic book-like monstrous figure with pouting horns stares at her menacingly.

In the context of creating an art exhibition addressed equally to all members of the public, the Municipality of Athens in collaboration with the cultural organization liminal, on Thursday 4 July 2024 will offer:

  • Audio Description for the artworks of the exhibition
  • Tactile floor plan of the exhibition hall for easier navigation in the space and
  • The programme of the exhibition in braille for visually impaired people

as well as:

  • guided tour with simultaneous interpretation in Greek Sign Language by the curator of the exhibition, Bia Papadopoulou, for people with hearing disabilities.

The descriptions of the artworks and accompanying texts of the exhibition will remain available to the visually impaired public for the whole duration of the exhibition through QR codes.

“Women’s matters” with Accessibility Services

The guided tours will resume in September on a date that will be announced soon.

About the exhibition “Women’s matters”

In a time of intense questioning, the exhibition ‘Women’s Matters’ brings together seventeen Greek female artists from different generations, with different modes of expression and pursuits, in a reflection on the role and position of women. The works create a dialogue between the past and the present, rephrasing intergenerational concerns and raising topical questions. The term ‘γυναικείο ζήτημα,’ Greek for ‘women’s matter,’ is almost synonymous with the feminist movement. The plural of the Greek title suggests not only the collective nature of the project but also its conceptual breadth. It is also a subliminal reference to the different waves that feminism has gone through from the nineteenth century to the present day. In addition, it underlines the multiplicity of different, often diametrically opposed, views that govern feminist thought.

The title underscores the exhibition’s commitment to encourage acceptance of diversity, envision an inclusive society, where there will be no constructed hierarchies of gender, colour, class, ethnicity, and religion. To sketch out a utopian world of equality, love, trust, peace, companionship, and solidarity. The featured artworks involve coded stories of women, told by women, rendered in women’s writing.

Art installation from the exhibition "Women's Issues". A huge structure made of thin wire forms two half-open lips. Behind them a photo of burning buildings processed gives the lips in front a fire-red tint.

Paintings, drawings, photographs, prints, collages, installations, sculptures, videos, and performances speak about the female condition, in a multiplicity of voices. The pictorial narratives recount women’s systematic devaluation, oppression, violence, hurting, trauma. They outline the binary dichotomy of power and subordination, trampled dreams, desires and hopes, fragility, loss, mourning, grief. They bring to the fore the tender but also turbulent female psyche, the archetypal wild element, the transgression of measure and limits, the daring, the instinct and the madness of anger and despair. They foreground the importance of the female body, associating women with nature and mother earth. They explore femininities and sexuality. They seek liberation from constructed gender stereotypes and conventional roles.

By fostering a creative public dialogue between women from different times and places, this exhibition resists this condemnation to oblivion and obscurity. It banishes darkness and restores light.

Participating artists: Artemis Alcalay, Annita Argyroiliopoulou, Ria Dama, Eleni Exarchou, Mary Zygouri, Demi Kaia, Katerina Katsifaraki, Natalia Manta, Despina Meimaroglou, Christina Mitrentse, Lina Bebi, Leda Papakonstantinou, Eliza Soroga, Slobodanka Stupar, Eleni Tzirtzilaki, Kleopatra Tsali, Efi Fouriki

The exhibition is supported by the Municipal Committee for Gender Equality.

Useful Information

Guided Tour with Audio Description: Thursday 4 July, 19:00
Guided tour with Interpretation in GSL: Thursday 4 July, 20:30
Duration of the exhibition: Thursday 6 June – 22 September 2024
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11:00 – 19:00, Sunday 10:00 – 16:00, Monday closed
Accessible guided tour of the exhibition: Thursday 4 July 2024

QR codes with descriptions of the works for the visually impaired will remain in the exhibition space for the whole duration of the exhibition.

The premises of the Municipal Gallery are accessible to wheelchair users.

Admission for the public is free.

Municipal Gallery of Athens, Building B: Leonidou & Mullerou, Pl. Avdi Square, Metaxourgeio Information: 210 5202420| www.opanda.gr