“Blue” by David Negrin


Conceived and directed by David Negrin.

With Pantelis Pangalos, Anastasia Kapretsou.

Every Friday at 21:15, Olvio Theater (OLVIO theater, Falaisias 7, Athina 118 55)

A family friendly performance!

A mute and -moderately- crazy performance shouting for the exhaustive repetition of a lonely and colorless everyday life. A performance that will eventually “color/put some color in” our souls.

Laughter, joy, deep thought, anxiety, reflection, doubt, excitement…The viewer is experiencing a sequence of strong feelings.

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About the play:

An unintentionally funny hero who manages to  survive mentally, being accustomed to this insidious “day by day”, without any expectations and immersed in a faint/odourless and monochrome “little”.

A white and neat “little” that puts life in order. But who wants the order? Which order?

An unexpected encounter with the “other” gradually disrupts, worries, and finally adds to his “little”.

A story about human nature which at every age during the centuries is connected with companionship and the acceptance of the other.

The other, as a creature or as an internal discovery of a deeper self.

In any case, a meeting is required to paint and give life. With blue.

And… suddenly, everything is changing and everything is gaining purpose …



Director: David Negrin

Setting design – Costumes: David Negrin

Acting teaching: Anna Monogiou

Choreography: Christina Fotinaki

Setting assistant: Nasia Pletsi

Setting construction: Christos Hamzalaris

Special props: Costas Gerodimos, Panagiotis Zoumpoulis

Communication: Angie Nomikou




Ticket prices: 8-10 euros

Ticket sales: Viva.gr